Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bruree Notes 25/9/2010

Ray Moloney, Bruree, who will sponsor the Bruree Juvenile GAA Indoor Hurling Tournament for the fifteenth competition in a row.

Mike Potter, Bruree Golf Society, presenting a set of tops to Evelyn O’Dea, captain Bruree ladies football team, in preparation for their county final. Also included are team members and members of Bruree Golf Society.

Rural Social Scheme

Ballyhoura Development Rural Social Scheme would like to hear from interested farmers who wish to join a waiting list to fill future vacancies. We expect that we will be permitted by the Department of Social Protection to engage more participants on the Scheme over the coming months.
The Scheme provides farmers with an opportunity to earn a supplementary income by working in and for communities in the Ballyhoura area for 19.5 hours a week, to fit around farming commitments.
To be eligible to join the Scheme, applicants must hold a current active herd number and be in receipt of one of the following qualifying payments from the Department of Social Protection:
•       Farm Assist
•       Job Seekers Benefit following a CE Scheme (in previous 12 months)
•       Job Seekers Allowance
•       Disability Allowance (Top Up payment only)
•       The dependant spouse of an eligible applicant is also eligible to participate on the Scheme as an alternative, i.e. instead of the spouse to whom the herd number is allocated.
•       Siblings and adult children of herd number holders also qualify to join the Scheme provided that they are in receipt of one of the above qualifying payments from the Department of Social Protection and that they can certify that they are resident and/or working on the farm of the herd number holder.
Currently, participants support projects predominantly in the areas of walks development and community facilities maintenance, in line with the criteria of the Scheme.
However, we hope that the criteria for eligibility of projects will be expanded in the near future, by the Department, and applications are now encouraged from individuals who have skills or experience which would be of benefit to community projects in the following work categories:
- Stone Wall Building, Repair & Maintenance;
- Horticulture and landscaping;
- Clerical and Administration projects;
- Community based Pre-school and After-Schools projects.
 If you are interested in participating in the Scheme or have any queries around the Scheme or eligibility, please contact: Catherine Lynch, RSS Administrator Tel: 063 91300


Stepping Stones Preschool opened on September 6th last and there are still limited places available. For further information please contact Brenda on 087-1649755. Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme (ECCE) and Community Childcare Subvention Scheme (CCS) approved.


Fixtures: County Under 21 Football
Saturday October 9th Bruree v Banogue at Banogue at 2.00 pm

45 Drive

Winners of the 45 Drive last week with nine games were Eugene Grant and Joe Carey and Fintan Stone and Mike O’Brien. Raffle prizes were won by Mary Margaret Noonan, Sadie Moloney, Nora May Donworth and Fintan Stone. The 45 Drive continues in the Community Centre every Tuesday night, starting at 8.30 pm sharp.


News from Bruree is now available online at


We extend our sincere sympathy to the family, relatives and friends of Sean Carroll, Ballyagran, who died recently.

Juvenile GAA

Indoor Hurling: This year’s indoor hurling competition will start on Monday, October 18th. As part of a restructuring of the club in an effort to improve the club experience for players and parents, this competition has been brought forward. Forms have been distributed for this and should be returned as soon as possible. The competition is again sponsored by local victualler, Ray Moloney. Ray has been a loyal sponsor of this competition and this is his fifteenth in a row sponsoring. We look forward to another exciting tournament.
Under 13 Hurling in Kilfinane Bruree 7-9 Blackrock 2-1
Under 15 Hurling in Athlacca Bruree 3-9 Shamrock Gaels (Athlacca) 0-3
On Sunday, our Under 14 football team travelled to Ballyagran to take on Monagea in the county final. Unfortunately, we met a very strong Monagea side. Even playing with the wind in the first half we were defending for most of the half and were six points to no score behind at half time. Even though we conceded another 2-3 in the second half, we played much better and scored 1-1 ourselves and were unlucky not to get a few more scores. The final score was Bruree 1-1 Monagea 2-9. There is great credit due to this group of players and to the people in charge of them for their effort over the year. They had the consolation of winning the all County League title earlier in the year and, as most of the players are underage again next year they have a great future.
Our Under 12 hurlers went to the Gaelic Grounds to take part in the Under 12 finals. This is an event where every club gets to play two games in GAA headquarters over the course of the day. Bruree drew their game with Tournafulla and lost to Templeglantine. This was a great experience for our young hurlers. Thanks to all the parents who travelled with the team.
Saturday September 25th Under 15 Hurling v Feenagh in Bruree at 5.00 pm.

Tidy Towns

Bruree was awarded 250 marks in the 2010 National Tidy Towns competition. The following is the adjudicator’s report of his visit on July 2nd.
Overall Development Approach: 39/50
Your adjudicator would like to welcome Bruree to the 2010 Tidy Towns Competition and your participation is most important for the Competition. Thank you for your completed entry form, map and guides. Your Committee of eight holds six meeting per year and it is suggested that you might consider monthly meetings in future. You have good agency links and it is suggested that your local publicity programme might be enhanced. A number of the sections of the entry form did not provide specific project details and this might be considered for next year. It was difficult to identify what projects were in respect of the past year and which were older projects. It is suggested that your Tidy Towns Committee makes frequent use of the new Tidy Towns Handbook that issued to all the 2009 Competition entries in January / February of this year. If you need an additional copy it is suggested that you contact the Tidy Towns Unit in Wexford at 053-9117347. This publication is also available on the Tidy Towns website at
The Built Environment: 35/50
No specific projects were identified in the entry form here. The vandalism issue at the Community Centre was noted by your adjudicator and hopefully the problem is in decline. The discussions with the ESB and Telecom in respect of overhead cabling are acknowledged and hopefully there will be further progress in the coming year. The Village Pump was visited but the presentation of this general area needed improvement. The large information panel needed to be washed and the weed growth removed from the paving. The De Valera building has been painted and the notice board improved. The Castle sign was read but is damaged and the fingerpost for the Church and Tower was pointing in the wrong direction. On the Charleville road the small Sub-Station building needed to be repainted. At the National School the trees in the corner were noted but additional landscaping here is recommended.
Landscaping: 37/50
No specific projects were identified under this category. The Riverside Park is an attractive area but the information plaque here needed attention. Landscaped areas needed to be renewed. The seating / picnic benches at the Park needed to be treated. The Park area at St Munchin's Terrace was also visited and the seats here needed to be treated. Wire fencing along by the river is damaged and suitable replacement is suggested. Landscaping to the side of the Bring Centre was also noted as were the attractive hanging baskets at Costcutter. The Park area on the Charleville road was visited and the maintenance here seemed to be quite poor.
Wildlife and Natural Amenities: 27/50
The wildlife panel at the bridge was read with interest. At the Riverside Park the Wildlife Preserve sign was seen. What has been done here to secure this designation? This would be a good location for a panel explaining why this site is important in wildlife terms.
This is International Year of Biodiversity and biodiversity is an aspect of the Competition that your Tidy Towns Committee might like to consider for 2011. Your Tidy Towns Committee is probably aware that under the terms of the Wildlife Act the cutting of banks and hedges in the period March to August inclusive each year is prohibited. Professional help is most important in respect of wildlife issues and the following sources of advice will prove helpful — An Taisce, Irish Wildlife Trust, Birdwatch Ireland and the County Heritage Officer.
Litter Control: 25/50
The twice weekly clean ups are noted. At the Riverside Park litter was present that included aged litter. Litter was also evident at the Bring Centre where the official signage was missing. In the core of Bruree litter control was quite good. A scattering of litter was seen on the Bruff road.
Waste Minimisation: 6/20
Work on litter segregation was noted in the entry documentation. The work at Costcutter in terms of paper and cardboard recycling is warmly welcomed. This adjudication category is primarily about the elimination or reduction of waste in Bruree. Recycling though very important takes a lower priority. Therefore for next year it is suggested that you examine the waste situation in Bruree to see where reduction might be possible. The Waste Minimisation officer in your Local Authority will be able to advise you also.
Tidiness: 16/30
No specific projects were listed in this section of the entry form. The area by St Munchin's Well was quite untidy and could be an attractive area and has good views of the bridge. Opposite Shanacloon a very untidy area by the Clothes Bank was visited and this needs urgent attention. A very untidy corner was seen at the Bruree Foods entrance and this must receive urgent attention. Opposite Toormore another untidy site caught the eye and an abandoned car was noted here.
Residential Areas: 27/40
Your entry form mentioned that residents are encouraged but did not give details. The Cottages opposite the Museum were excellently presented as was St Munchin's Terrace across the road. The colour scheme here was admired and also looks well from the Riverside Park. At De Valera Park various issues needing attention were noted including the presentation of grass areas and fencing. Kerb weed was also seen here. Shanacloon was visited and some dead trees need to be replaced. Two houses at the end of the estate were really well presented. Toormore would be greatly improved with some landscaping. Ait Alainn hopefully will be completed without delay.
Roads, Streets and Back Areas: 30/50
The Kilmallock approach impressed and the N20 from the Charleville side was reasonably well presented. The small approach road that meets the road to the N20 near the Riverside Park was very poorly presented and banks were uncut and signs concealed.
General Impression: 8/10
Your adjudicator was pleased to visit Bruree on a fine July morning. The village potential to well in Tidy Towns but greater work is needed at key public amenity areas.
Good luck with your work for next year when we look forward to returning.

Positive Ageing Week At Beech Lodge

To celebrating Positive Ageing Week from Saturday September 25 to October 2, Beech Lodge Care Facility are hosting a series of fun events. All of our friends are invited to a coffee morning on Friday, October 1st, at 11 am, to celebrate UN International Day of Older Persons. Everybody is invited to share a golden moment with our residents over a cup of tea or coffee and refreshments.  All proceeds will go directly to Age Action’s information helpline which helped over 6,000 older people last year. We look forward to seeing you next Friday morning!


Lucky dip winners in last week’s Bruree GAA/Rockhill Rovers lotto draw were €50 Moloney’s Bar Lotto €25 Sean and Kevin O’Connor, Josie Lynch €20 Josie Lynch, Martin Doran, c/o Nora Power, Nora Fitzgerald.


The Rockhill Bruree Defibrillator Association would like to thank everyone for your kind generosity to our recent church gate collection. The total collection came to a magnificent €1334.
To bring the provision of defibrillators in the parish closer, further funds are needed. A Table Quiz will be held at the Central bar on Friday, October 8th at 9.30 pm. The subscription for a table of four will be €40 and their will also be a raffle on the night. Locally based defibrillators with a network of people in the area trained in their effective use have been proven to be lifesavers. In the case of a heart attack, early intervention is vital and defibrillators based in Rockhill and Bruree make this possible. Your generous support would be greatly appreciated. It may save a life and that life could be yours! So, get your brains in gear and head for the Central Bar on Friday night week and help save a life.

Ladies Football

Our newly reformed ladies football club has had a very successful first year. They have reached the county final against Castlemahon. This is down to be played this Saturday, October 2nd, at a time and venue to be confirmed. Head along and give them your support. We wish the ladies the best of luck.