Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bruree Notes 11/1/2009

Houses - At Last!

After many hiccups and delays, the Bruree Rockhill Community Housing Association signed the contract to build six social housing units in Bruree last week. The idea was first mooted in the early 1990s and, after overcoming many obstacles, the plan is now nearing fruition. The houses will be built at Railway View, Bruree, and will be aimed at senior citizens. This is a very positive development for the parish. The houses will be funded in a major way by the Department of the Environment through Limerick County Council. Some funds will have to be raised locally and anyone who would like to make a donation towards the local contribution can contact Sonny Ward, John Harrold or Josephine Lynch. The Bruree Rockhill Housing Association is registered for charitable status with the Revenue Commissioners and can reclaim the income tax paid by PAYE tax payers on donations over €250. Work is due to start over the next week and the house should be ready for occupation early in 2010.

Pictured at the signing of contracts for the construction of six social houses at Bruree are (back) Pat Boyce, Architect, John Harrold, Secretary, Bruree Rockhill Community Housing Association, Liam O’Donoghue, Glenport Construction (front) Josephine Lynch, Director, Bruree Rockhill Community Housing Association, Gerard O’Donoghue, Glenport Construction, and Sonny Ward Chairman, Bruree Rockhill Community Housing Association


Membership: All members are reminded that their membership fee is now overdue. This is €10 for adults and €2 for juvenile members. The club will be stricter than ever on the payment of membership this year so please co-operate by paying yours immediately.

Draw Winners: Bruree GAA Players Development Fund Draw 3: €1,000 Noreen Sherwood, Emly, Promoter Noreen Sherwood €200 Richard Nallen, c/o GVM Promoter Danny Deady €100 each Derek Thompson, Dublin Promoter John O’Halloran Marian O’Brien, Stylepark, Promoter James C. O’Brien, Tom O’Brien, Hospital, Promoter Edward Potter. Draw 4: €1,000 Derek Thompson, Dublin Promoter John O’Halloran €200 Valerie Sheehan, c/o Laurence Sexton Promoter Laurence Sexton €100 each Des Frawley c/o Aidan Frawley, Promoter Aidan Frawley, James C. O’Brien, Stylepark, Promoter James C. O’Brien, William and Ellen Boyce, Garryfine, Promoter Pat Boyce. The club would like to thank everyone who supported the draw and all the players and club members who worked so hard to promote the draw and recruit members.

Juvenile AGM: The Annual General Meeting of Bruree Juvenile GAA Club held before Christmas at Bruree School elected the following officers for 2009 - Chairperson Mike Mullane, Vice-Chairperson Gerard Sexton, Secretary Mike Lyons, Assistant Secretary James Feane, Treasurer Kit O’Halloran, Assistant Treasurer Karen Rea, Scor Coordinator Noel Brosnan, Coaching Coordinator Brendan Hogan, Under 8’s Laurence and Andrew Sexton, David Hogan, Sally Frawley, Under 10s Brendan Hogan, Tony O’Driscoll, Joan Quirke, Eamon Sexton, Under 12 Conor Howard, Breda McCarthy, Paul Fitzgerald, Karen Rea, Gerard Sexton, Under 14 TBC, Under 15 James O’Dea, Mike Sexton.

Winners: Congratulations to Charleville CBS on winning the First Years Hurling League recently. Bruree players on the panel included T.J. Mullane, Eamon Lyons, James Kelleher and Brendan Murphy. Well done to all.

Calendar: Limerick GAA has published a 2009 calendar celebrating the teams which won county titles in 2008. Bruree’s Junior hurlers are featured and copies of the calendar are available from the Gaelic Grounds.

Oral History: The GAA Oral History Project aims to record the fullest possible picture of what the GAA has meant to the Irish people, in their own words. A questionnaire has been designed to gather as much information as possible and this questionnaire will be preserved as a permanent resource on the history of the GAA and Irish society. This document will be accessible to the public, with the exception of your contact details. Among the topics covered in the questionnaire are the respondent’s memories of the GAA, their own and their family’s involvement in the association and the affect of that involvement in their life. It also addresses the changes which have happened in the GAA and the role, involvement and influences of the Church, politics, the Irish language, women, and volunteers in the GAA. Anyone interested in participating in this collecting of the oral history of the GAA can contact Elaine Horgan or John Harrold to obtain a copy of the questionnaire.

Fixture: Bruree’s Junior hurling county champions will contest the Munster semi-final at Killeedy on Sunday, January 25th, at 2.30 pm.

Social: The Bruree GAA Victory Social will be held at Bulgaden Castle on Saturday, February 7th. Tickets will be available shortly and we hope that everyone will meke the effort to attend to celebrate a successful year for the club.

All Stars: The South all Stars banquet will be held at Bulgaden Castle on Saturday, January 31st. James V. O’Brien, Paul Fitzgerald and Jim O’Brien will all receive awards on the night. Hopefully, some Bruree people will travel on the night to support our representatives. Tickets at €30 each are available from Elaine Horgan or at the door on the night.

Season Tickets: The GAA are offering a deal on season tickets for upcoming league games which will also give those who avail of the offer the opportunity to purchase All Ireland tickets should their county get through to the final. Details are available at


We extend our sincere sympathy to the family, relatives and friends of Brendan McCabe, Dublin, Stephen Coleman, Ballyhea, Mossy Riordan, Cregane, Bernie White, Cork, William Baggot, Cuan Mhuire and Herbertstown, Donal Hayes, Kilmallock, Johnny Barrett, Garrienderk, Maurice Fitzgerald, Killacolla, and Mary Moloney, Charleville, who died recently.

45 Drive

Winners of the 45 Drive during Christmas week with nine games were Fintan Stone and Mike O’Brien and Tom O’Rourke and John Moloney. Raffle prizes went to Katherine O’Regan (x2), Tom O’Rourke, Joe Carey, Nora May Donworth, Noreen Hayes and Seamus Sexton. Winners of the 45 Drive on December 30th with twelve games were Noreen Hayes and partners. Runners up with eleven games were Jim Murphy and Jim Ryan. Raffle prizes went to Fintan Stone, Anne Frawley, Katherine O’Regan and Mary Margaret Noonan. Winners of the 45 Drive last week with eight games were Tom Collins and Tom Hanley and John and Marie Healy. Raffle prizes went to Fintan Stone, Joe Carey, Marie Healy and Sean Blake. A special thank you goes to everyone who supported the 45 Drive during 2008. We look forward to seeing you all during 2009. The 45 Drive continues in the Community Centre every Tuesday night, starting at 8.30 pm sharp.

Johnny Barrett RIP

The recent untimely death of Johnny Barrett, Garrienderk, deprives the entertainment world and many voluntary organizations of a great friend and a generous supporter. Like many other communities, Bruree and its voluntary organizations received great help and encouragement from Johnny. For many years Johnny provided the entertainment every month for the Adult Social Club and its successor, the Active Retired Group. Many groups within the parish also found Johnny willing and able to provide the entertainment for their fundraising functions. Johnny Barrett was known by everybody and knew everybody and had a wide circle of people all over Ireland and in the U.K. and U.S.A. who were proud to call him friend. His genial and warm personality endeared him to all he met and he was never without a friendly word or greeting whether on the street or on the stage. Ní bheidh a leithéid ann arís is an old Irish saying and, indeed, it is hard to disagree with its sentiments when talking about Johnny Barrett. We extend our sincere sympathy to his wife, Ann, and his family.

Thank You

Jessie and Mildred would like to thank everyone who supported their recent fundraiser in aid of cancer care at St. John’s Hospital. The event raised €10,329 for the cause, bringing to over €50,000 the total that this energetic pair has raised to date for various cancer charities. Well done, girls!

Willie Baggott RIP

Willie Baggott was a familiar figure around Bruree since his arrival at Cuan Mhuire since his arrival there in October 1977. Willie was one of three men who came from Athy to stay in Bruree House after it was purchased by Sr. Consilio. Willie could often be found walking but was never short of a lift. He was good company on a journey, a man who could converse on many topics. He had a great love for our national games and could talk about hurling and football with anyone. He had a great knowledge of the game and of those who played it and had a long and accurate memory of games past and present. He loved traveling around Ireland and made good use of our public transport services to see Ireland and to travel to hurling and football games. Willie also had a great love of amateur dramatics and attended the many plays staged locally. A learned and well read man, Willie also composed ballads, one of which - The Ballad of Christy Ring - was very well received when he recited it on local radio. We extend our sincere sympathy to Willie’s family and to his many friends, especially those at Cuan Mhuire.

St. Patrick’s National School

Some of the pupils of the local national school have had great success in art competitions lately. Niamh Cotter won second prize in the National Parents Council Christmas card competition. Caoimhe Murphy also came second and Julianne Barrington won third prize in her category. Well done girls. We had seven winners in the Kilmallock area art competition. Holly O’Dwyer and Fionnbarr Fitzpatrick were winners in the seven years and under age group. Rachel Williams, Nella O’Regan and Demi ter Haar won in the eight to ten years category. Caoimhe Murphy and Patrick Carey were prizewinners in the eleven to thirteen years age group. Well done to all and thanks to Kilmallock Credit Union for their prizes.


Congratulations to Pat O’Regan, Water Street, and Deirdre Nyst, Tankardstown, on their recent engagement. We wish the happy couple all the best.


Lucky dip winners in the Bruree GAA/Rockhill Rovers lotto draw over the past couple of weeks were €50 Ned Cullinane, Ann Barrett, Charleville €25 Eileen O’Connell, Emer O’Shea, Morgan Hughes, Deborah Noonan, Croom €20 Aaron and Brian c/o Tom Cotter, Margaret Twomey, Ballyagran, Bill Kiely, Casey and Callum O’Connor, Newtown, Mary Mullane, Ann Potter.

Calcutta Calling

The now annual visit to Calcutta by volunteers from Limerick, including from Bruree, will take place again in 2009. A fundraising race night will be held at the Woodlands House Hotel on this Friday night, January 16th, starting at 8.00 pm. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

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