Thursday, April 2, 2009

BRUREE NOTES 29/3/2009


All Ireland Final: So near and yet so far - this was the story of the All-Ireland Junior B hurling final against Athenry at Raheenagh on Sunday. The protagonists provided us with a close, exciting game of hurling with the result in doubt to the final whistle. After a nervous start, Bruree trailed by just a goal at the break. During the second half, Bruree went behind by all of six points but fought back to level the match. However, a slightly stronger finish by Athenry saw the Galway side take the title by just a point. Bruree looked in good form as they took the field, having been accorded a guard of honour by Bruree’s Under 12 team. It took Bruree a long time to settle in the first half and they were under severe pressure in the opening quarter of the game. An early point from play from Donal Deady was not enough to steady the nerves and by the midway mark, Bruree trailed by 0-1 to 1-2. The closing fifteen minutes of the half saw Bruree come more into the game but their only return was two converted points from Donal Deady. Athenry finished with an injury time point to leave the half-time score Bruree 0-3 Athenry 1-3. An early second half point from play from Declan Sexton lifted Bruree hopes but Bruree hearts sank when Athenry added a point from play and a nicely cut sideline ball went all the way to the Bruree net. But the lads on the field were not giving up. They fought for every ball and piled on the pressure on Athenry. They battled their way back into the game and, by the twenty second minute, the sides were on level terms. However, Bruree were still relying on Donal Deady’s free taking for scores and Donal dutifully added six points from frees. He added one from play for good measure while Athenry converted a free during the same period. In the run up to the final whistle, Athenry got the better of the exchanges, adding two points from play and one from a free. Donal Deady added two more converted frees to leave the final score Bruree 0-13 Athenry 2-8. Well done to this bunch of lads who have provided us with a great and entertaining seasons hurling. They brought the clean sweep of county titles to the parish as well as the Munster title. Another bunch of heroes for future generations of Bruree youngsters to look up to and strive to emulate. The Bruree team was Eamon Sexton, Patrick Deady, Anthony O’Shea, John O’Halloran, Morgan Lyons, Paul Fitzgerald, Vincent Stanton, Christopher Sexton, John Lynch, David Hogan (Capt), Aidan Frawley, Brian O’Rourke, Donal Deady, Michael Sexton, Declan Sexton, Paul Sexton, David O’Dea, Michael Brouder, Niall Broderick, Sean Deane, Laurence Sexton, Michael Cotter, John Deady, David Broderick. Team manager is Paul Sexton, coach is Stephen Sexton and selectors are Seamus Sexton, Andrew Sexton and John O’Brien.
Under 12 Hurling: Bruree’s Under 12 hurlers took on the local team in a challenge game before the main event at Raheenagh on Sunday. These young players gave a good display of hurling as they defeated Killeedy on a 4-4 to 3-3 scoreline. Bruree led by 3-1 to 1-1 at half time with Shane Feane, Eoin O’Connell and Aaron Fitzgerald scoring Bruree’s goals. Cain McCarthy had Bruree’s point from play. A second goal fro Shane Feane in the second half kept Bruree in control after Killeedy had staged something of a comeback. Points from Cian McCarthy, Ronan O’Halloran and Shane Feane left Bruree winners on a 4-4 to 3-3 scoreline. The Bruree team was Brian Sexton, Shane Hannon, Ronan O’Halloran, Eimear McCarthy, Sophie Mullane, Patrick Carey, Christina Geary, Aaron Fitzgerald, Shane Feane, William Howard, Cian McCarthy, Eoin O’Connell, Sean Quirke, Thomas O’Dwyer, Seamus Lyons, Eva Lyons, Gearoid McCarthy.
Welcome Home: A huge crowd turned out to welcome Bruree’s Junior hurlers back to the parish on Sunday evening. The team and supporters paraded through the village to a stage where the team members were introduced to the crowd. The team which had taken a clean sweep of titles within the county and the Munster title as well as contesting the All-Ireland final were greeted with loud cheers. Fr. Desmond McAuliffe, P.P. and Noel O’Halloran, Chairman, Bruree GAA, both congratulated the team on their great achievements and the great honour they had brought to the parish. Bruree captain, David Hogan, thanked everyone for their support and praised the team for the dedication and efforts. Fr. McAuliffe then presented the All Ireland runner up medals to each member of the team. The celebrations finished with a hearty rendition of Limerick, You’re A Lady from David Hogan. Thanks to everyone who turned up for the celebrations and to everyone who had helped to organise the event.
Membership: All members are reminded that their membership fee is now overdue. This is €10 for adults and €2 for juvenile members. The club will be stricter than ever on the payment of membership this year so please co-operate by paying yours immediately.
Fixtures: All County Senior Hurling League Div 1A
7th April Kilmallock v Bruree 7.00pm,
21st April Bruree v Tournafulla 7.15pm,
5th May Bruff v Bruree 7.30pm,
19th May Bruree v Adare 7.30pm,
2nd June Bruree v Granagh Ballingarry 7.45pm,
16th June Ballybrown v Bruree 7.45pm,
30th June Croom v Bruree 7.45pm
Juvenile Helmets: Any juvenile player wishing to purchase a new helmet can do so at a large discount through Bruree GAA Club and Bruree National School. Savings of up to 50% can be made compared to the prices that are charged in sports shops. For further information contact any adult member of Bruree GAA Club and your teacher at Bruree National School. All Small and Medium helmets available through the school and Large helmets are available through Bruree GAA Club.
Golf Classic: A Golf classic will be held at Charleville Golf Club on Friday, July 17th. Full details later.

Winners of the 45 Drive last week with twelve games were Eugene Grant and Joe Carey. Runners up with eleven games were Tom O’Rourke and John Moloney. The table prize went to Jim Murphy and Patsy Healy. Raffle prizes went to Katherine O’Regan, Nora May Donworth, Fintan Stone and Marie Healy. The 45 Drive continues in the Community Centre every Tuesday night, starting at 8.30 pm sharp.


The Bruree Activity Summer Camp for all children attending national school will take place this year from 6th to 10th July. The venue will be St. Patrick’s National School. Application forms will be distributed to children through the school this coming week. If you have any enquiries contact Laura Leslie (087-7744028) or Mary Liz Morrissey (087-6555074).


Mildred O’Dea would like to thank everyone who supported her coffee morning in aid of daffodil day. The amount collected to date is €772. Many thanks to everyone for their generosity.


School Football Team - Girls: Two weeks ago, the girls’ team played Emly National School. They won 3 -1 to 2 -2. In their second game against Ballylanders National School they drew 0-6 to 2-0. The fixtures for next week are Bruree v Galbally National School (home) at 11:30 am on Tuesday 31st of March. They will play Knockainey National School (away) on Thursday 2nd of April. These girls have trained three times a week- Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays with the help of their coaches.
The panel is Eimear McCarthy, Eva Lyons, Croiadh Monaghan, Sophie Mullane, Caoimhe Murphy, Christina Geary, Amy Lyons Coll, Rosarie Heffernan, Michelle Brosnan, Nella O’Regan, Rosemary Ryan, Lucy Donworth, Christina McKiernan, Chloe Kelly, Rachel McCarthy, Ciara Daly, Ciara Mullane, Emma Howard, Emma Hogan, Tima Fabrey, Abby Adams, Julieann Barrington, Tori O’Grady.
School Hurling Team: The boys are in training on Saturday mornings 10.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. The hurling league starts after Easter.
School Chess Leagues: These leagues will start after Easter. First game is away to Scoil Ide, Corbally.


We extend our sincere sympathy to the family, relatives and friends of Patricia Barron, Raheen, and John Sampson, Galbally, who died recently.


Lucky dip winners in last week’s Bruree GAA/Rockhill Rovers lotto draw were €50 Thomas O’Rourke €25 John Moloney, Pauline Fitzgibbon, Charleville €20 Mrs Jim O’Connor, Mary Foley c/o Nora Power, Breda and Sean McGee.


Bruree Golf Society will have its first outing of the year on Easter Sunday, April 12th to Mallow Golf Club. The first tee time is 11.00 am. Please give your name and green fee of €30 to any member of the committee before Wednesday next. You should also have paid your membership subscription before that date to be eligible to play.


A table quiz in aid of St. Patrick’s National School, Bruree, will be held at the Central Bar on this Friday night, April 3rd, at 9.30 pm sharp. Teams of four cost €25 and there will be a raffle and great prizes on the night. For further details or to donate contact John Carey on 087-2701771.

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