Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bruree Notes 7th December 2008


Draw Winners: The first of four Bruree GAA Players Development Fund draws was held last week.
The following were the winners: €1,000 John Sheehan, Mount Eagle, Promoter Mike Lyons, €200 Maeve Griffin Promoter Gerard Mullane, €100 each Anne Hynes Promoter Hugh Hogan, Marie O’Brien Promoter James V. O’Brien, Sinead Lyons Promoter John Lyons.

Juvenile AGM: The Annual General Meeting of Bruree Juvenile GAA Club will be held on this Friday, December 12th, at 8.00 pm sharp in the Community Centre. All members are asked to attend. Hopefully, a good number of our current adult players will make the effort to attend.

Social: The club’s annual dinner dance will be held at Bulgaden Castle on February 7th next. This is a date to keep clear in your diary for the New Year.

Oral History: The GAA Oral History Project aims to record the fullest possible picture of what the GAA has meant to the Irish people, in their own words. A questionnaire has been designed to gather as much information as possible and this questionnaire will be preserved as a permanent resource on the history of the GAA and Irish society. This document will be accessible to the public, with the exception of your contact details. Among the topics covered in the questionnaire are the respondent’s memories of the GAA, their own and their family’s involvement in the association and the affect of that involvement in their life. It also addresses the changes which have happened in the GAA and the role, involvement and influences of the Church, politics, the Irish language, women, and volunteers in the GAA. Anyone interested in participating in this collecting of the oral history of the GAA (and everyone who has had even the most fleeting contact with gaelic games and the GAA should participate) can contact Elaine Horgan or John Harrold to obtain a copy of the questionnaire.


We extend our sincere sympathy to the family, relatives and friends of Aziz Un, Charleville, Thomas O’Connor, Milford, and Mick Bennett, Newtown, who died recently.

Christmas Cards

A limited number of Bruree Christmas cards are available at the De Valera Museum and Bruree Heritage Centre. Profit from the cards goes to the museum.


Regular Bruree news is available on the internet at


Lucky dip winners in last week’s Bruree GAA/Rockhill Rovers lotto draw were €50 Sean and Kevin O’Connor, €25 Sean Deady, Rachel Sheedy, c/o Central Bar €20 Pat Murphy, John Fitzgerald, Bruff, Fiona Madigan, Colemanswell.

45 Drive

Winners of the 45 Drive last week with eight games were Tom O’Rourke and John Moloney and Katherine O’Regan and Sean Blake. The table prize went to Nora May Donworth and Mary Margaret Noonan. Raffle prizes went to Jim Murphy, Mary Margaret Noonan, Tom O’Rourke and Joe Carey. The 45 Drive continues in the Community Centre every Tuesday night, starting at 8.30 pm sharp.

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