Thursday, March 19, 2009

BRUREE NOTES 15/3/2009

Man of the Match, Donal Deady, with Chris Madigan, Madigan’s Bar, sponsor

The Bruree team celebrate their victory

Bruree captain, David Hogan, accepts the Munster Cup from Canon Willie Fitzmaurice

Bruree Take Munster Title
At the second time of asking, albeit again in injury time, Bruree took Limerick’s first ever Junior B hurling Munster title in the replay at Raheenagh on Sunday. Bruree again had to dig deep to get a result on the day but three magnificent late points from play were worthy scores to seal the victory. Bruree took some time to settle into this game as they soaked up the pressure from Moyne/Templetuohy in the first half. Seven minutes into the half, the Tipperary side led by 1-1 to no score and could have been further ahead were it not for a good save from Eamon Sexton in the Bruree goals. Bruree’s first score came on twelve minutes from a Donal Deady free. Brian O’Rourke added a point from play five minutes later to settle Bruree. With about ten minutes of the half remaining, John O’Halloran cleared his lines to Morgan Lyons whose testing clearance into the goalmouth was touched to the net by captain David Hogan. Moyne/Templetuohy added a point from play while Donal Deady converted another free and added a point from play to give Bruree a 1-4 to 1-2 half time lead.
The sides exchanged points in the opening minutes of the second half, with Donal Deady providing Bruree’s from a free. Then followed a period with both sides attempting to “get to know one another” physical exchanges. Moyne/Templetuohy lost a man to a red card on ten minutes while Bruree lost a man a couple of minutes later to even up the numbers. Just as the teams settled back to hurling, Moyne/Templetuohy found the Bruree net in a moment of loss of concentration from Bruree. A point from play from the Tipperary side opened a two point gap which remained as the sides again exchanged points with five minutes to go. Donal Deady was again Bruree’s provider from a free. With a couple of mimnutes of normal time to go, Eamon Sexton was again called on to make a save. Moyne/Templetuohy added another point from play but three pointed frees from Donal Deady levelled the game as we entered injury time, again another long injury time, amounting to a justified thirteen minutes. With all to play for, Bruree came good and, with three points which would rightly grace any hurling stage, Bruree showed just what they were made of. A long distance shot from the sideline sailed over the bar for Morgan Lyons to give Bruree the lead. Brian O’Rourke showed his skills with a great point a couple of minutes later. Moyne/Templetuohy again reduced the margin to the minimum with a pointed free before Donal Deady finished what was a hectic day for him with the final score another great point from play. This left the final score Bruree 1-12 Moyne/Templetuohy 2-7. This is a team from one to twenty eight who do not know when to give up and are never beaten until the final whistle. They play as a team and support one another and deserve the success they have achieved. Bruree captain, David Hogan, accepted the Munster Cup from Killeedy and Limerick former hurling star Canon Willie Fitzmaurice. Donal Deady was later presented with the Man of the Match award at Madigan’s Bar.
This Bruree team would appear to have little regard for the frailties of their supporters as, once again, we were subjected to a heart stopping performance with the result in doubt to the final whistle. Hearts raced and blood pressure soared as all those from Bruree on the sideline hoped beyond hope that we could take the title. But take it we did and the sound of “Munster champions” has a nice ring to it. “All-Ireland champions” has an even nicer ring to it and we are just one step away from this honour. There is more in this panel of players and they will have to play to the very best of their ability if they are to overcome the Galway and Connaught champions, Athenry. That side will surely be favourites but Bruree have shown that they no pushover. They play with heart and spirit and never give up. We hope to see a huge Bruree support at Raheenagh on Sunday week, March 29th, to cheer on our heroes. The Bruree team was Eamon Sexton, Patrick Deady, Anthony O’Shea, John O’Halloran, Morgan Lyons, Paul Fitzgerald, Vincent Stanton, Christopher Sexton, John Lynch, David Hogan (Capt), Aidan Frawley, Brian O’Rourke, Donal Deady, Michael Sexton, Declan Sexton, Paul Sexton, David O’Dea, Michael Brouder, Niall Broderick, Sean Deane, Laurence Sexton, Michael Cotter, John Deady, David Broderick. Team manager is Paul Sexton, coach is Stephen Sexton and selectors are Seamus Sexton, Andrew Sexton and John O’Brien.

Daffodil Day
The Daffodil Day Coffee Morning will be held at Mildred O’Dea’s on Friday, March 20th, from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. All are welcome.

Membership: All members are reminded that their membership fee is now overdue. This is €10 for adults and €2 for juvenile members. The club will be stricter than ever on the payment of membership this year so please co-operate by paying yours immediately.
Oral History: The GAA Oral History Project aims to record the fullest possible picture of what the GAA has meant to the Irish people, in their own words. A questionnaire has been designed to gather as much information as possible and this questionnaire will be preserved as a permanent resource on the history of the GAA and Irish society. Anyone interested in participating in this collecting of the oral history of the GAA can contact Elaine Horgan or John Harrold to obtain a copy of the questionnaire.
Fixtures: All County Senior Hurling League Div 1 A
7th April Kilmallock v Bruree 7.00pm,
21st April Bruree v Tournafulla 7.15pm,
5th May Bruff v Bruree 7.30pm,
19th May Bruree v Adare 7.30pm,
2nd June Bruree v Granagh Ballingarry 7.45pm,
16th June Ballybrown v Bruree 7.45pm,
30th June Croom v Bruree 7.45pm

45 Drive
Winners of the 45 Drive last week with nine games were Brendan O’Kelly and Patsy Hayes. Runners up with seven games were Eugene Grant and Joe Carey, Mary Margaret Noonan and Marie Healy and Mary Noonan and Ann Frawley. Raffle prizes went to Mary Margaret Noonan, Fintan Stone, Josephine Lynch and Patsy Healy. The 45 Drive continues in the Community Centre every Tuesday night, starting at 8.30 pm sharp.

News from Bruree is now available online at

Activity Summer Camp
The Bruree Activity Summer Camp for all children attending national school will take place this year from 6th to 10th July. The venue will be St. Patrick’s National School. Application forms will be distributed to children through the school this coming week. If you have any enquiries contact Laura Leslie (087-7744028) or Mary Liz Morrissey (087-6555074).

Bruree Rockhill Community Games
Talent: Under 10: The county finals of the Under 10 talent took place in Askeaton last Sunday. Our local area won five gold medals, one silver and one bronze. Rachel Williams won the recitation competition and Julianne Barrington came first in solo music. Sean Quirke was the winner of the solo dancing and together with his sister Katie also won the group Irish dancing. Katie got a silver medal in solo Irish dancing and Cathal Barrington won bronze in solo music. Congratulations to all of you.
Art: The county final of the art competition will take place on Saturday, March 21st, from 2.00 to 5.00 pm. There are a number of venues in the county and Bruree is one of them..

Bruree Juvenile GAA
Indoor Hurling: The finals of the Indoor Hurling tournament were held at the Community Centre on Thursday night last. This was, once again, an exciting night’s hurling with some great displays. All the finals were very close, with just a goal between the sides in each final. The games were played with a fire and a passion worthy of a Munster final and all those who attended appreciated the efforts of the youngsters. This is the thirteenth year of this competition and it goes from strength to strength every year.
The Under 8 final saw an exciting contest between Waterford (Peter Buckley ,captain, Teresa Ryan, Sean Frawley, William Sexton, Fergus Carey) and Cork (Luke Sexton, captain, Eoghan O’Driscoll, Matthew Howard, Sam Cronnolly, Allanah Sheedy) with Waterford winning with a golden goal in extra time. Third in the competition were Limerick (Christopher Kelleher, Cian O’Grady, Sean Daly, Harry Mullane, Sebastian Fitzpatrick) and fourth were Tipperary (David Sexton, captain, Finbarr Fitzpatrick, Frankie Barrington, John Sheehan). The Under 10 final was no less exciting with Kerry (Owen Carey, captain, Ciara Mullane, Jack Hedderman, Brian McCarthy) winning by 4 goals to 3 over Tipperary (Jimmy Leslie Madigan, captain, Abigail Adams, Ciara Daly and David O’Connell). The other placings in this competition were: 3rd Limerick (Gearoid McCarthy, captain, Emma Hogan, Cathal Barrington, Alison Fitzgerald, Sean Quirke), 4th Cork (Edward Moore, captain, Chloe Kiely, Emma Howard, Ciaran Sexton, Tommy Cronnolly) 5th Clare (Brian Sexton, captain, Grace Donworth, Julianne Barrington, Jack Murphy, Jonathan Fitzpatrick) 6th Waterford (Micheal Sheedy, captain, Shane Hannon, Rosemary Ryan, Jamie Sherin, Daire O’Driscoll). The night’s competition finished with the Under 12 final between Tipperary (Patrick Carey, captain, Oskar Wisniewski, Eva Lyons, Seamus Lyons) and Kerry (William Howard, captain, Eimear McCarthy, Nella O’Regan, Aaron Fitzgerald. This was Kerry winning on a 6-5 scoreline. The other placings were: 3rd Waterford (Shane Feane, captain, Amy Lyons Coll, Caoimhe Murphy, Thomas O’Dwyer) 4th Cork (Ronan O’Halloran, captain, Brian Sexton, Sophie Mullane, Eoin Carey, Tori O’Grady) 5th Limerick (Christina Geary, captain, Michelle Brosnan, Maira Goraz, Robert Kelly, Eoin O’Connell), 6th Clare( Cian McCarthy, captain, Lucy Donworth, Finbarr Kelleher, Rosarie Heffernan, Chloe Kelly).
Thanks to Raymond Moloney for his continuing generous support of this competition. Thanks also to Karen Rea and Geraldine Dollery for their generosity and to all those involved in organising and running the competition.
Juvenile Helmets: Any juvenile player wishing to purchase a new helmet can do so at a large discount through Bruree GAA Club and Bruree National School. Savings of up to 50% can be made compared to the prices that are charged in sports shops. For further information contact any adult member of Bruree GAA Club and your teacher at Bruree National School. All Small and Medium helmets available through the school and Large Helmets are available through Bruree GAA Club.
Meeting: There will be a meeting of Bruree Juvenile GAA club on this Thursday night, March 19th, at Bruree National School at 8.30 pm sharp.

We extend our sincere sympathy to the family, relatives and friends of Anne “Nano” O'Shea, Mill Road, and Josie Sullivan, Feenagh, who died recently.

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